A Blip blip of a Bee Brood

Sometimes you have to be lucky.

I had volunteered to cook chicken and mac-and-cheese for a friends family outing, and had taken the long way home. The beekeeper was working his hives.

I asked if I could take a few pictures. He not only moved around to the other side, but he took out one of the "plates", and brought it over to my van.

I decided to show him my bee knowledge.

"How do you like being an apiarist with an apiary? Do you like being in apiculture?" I couldn't see through his mask, but I'm sure his jaw dropped.

Pushing the envelope...

"I don't understand all the hubbub of drones in the news lately. What do the little worker bees do...carry tiny cameras?" No response.

One more. "My hair is all messed up. Can I borrow one of your combs?" Again...no answer.

The man was real nice. He brought the plate right up to my van, and showed me the bee brood, which are the eggs. With my ridiculous comments...I'm lucky he didn't throw it into my open window.

A few more shots of the keeper, a turkey who reads signs, and a sand-hill crane are on my FLICKR PAGE. Buzz on over, and have a look.

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