The Minder.

Yesterday I showed you The Adolescent. Today, it's The Minder.

Noisy Miners watch over all the other birds. They stay close. They chase away the enemy (eg. crows, currawongs and bush turkeys). They squawk like crazy when they see a cat (eg. Miss Tibbs or Phoebe) in the garden, or even close to a window, indoors. The haven't come across the name Noisy Miner from being quiet!

They have the funniest little expressions and I think they are very sweet little birds.

I saw this little guy surveying the "dinner rush" this afternoon as I brought the washing in off the clothes line. And from the nip in the air, we may be in for another cold night. :)

I've spent the whole day today either on the computer or the phone, writing, adding up and generally getting the state of our business financial affairs in order for our accountant, for the end of the financial year returns. It's a long process, I've been working at it now for a few days on and off, and there's still a bit to go. So for a change of pace, I'm going to try and catch up on some ironing.....

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