Blustery ride

Miss AB and I had a sleep in this morning and then went to do a bit of shopping. She ended up painting a ladybird and a frangipani flower at a little stall we found. It's the school holidays so there are lots of bits and bobs around for kids to do.

We took the dogs for a walk and then came home to start making our sock puppets.

The weather turned cold and blustery, so I relit the fire and we bunkered down. I nipped out for a few minutes and spotted these horse riders on the horizon. Blip done.

Faijitas for dinner, followed by fruit salad when we can leave the warmth of the fire to go and get it!

Our wedding pics arrived today and I've had a quick look at them. Mr Barking hasn't had a chance yet.

Bigsis sent us a lovely parcel with a couple of surprises in it for me and the girls. Thanks Bigsis.

I'm a little cranky and tired this evening. I'll come right after a good night's sleep. We have had no hot water for two days now; apparently an electrician is coming tomorrow morning. We aren't holding our breath!

Night all.

~The Barkings~

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