Top of The Crown (again)

it appears that the sno promised all week happened but on “the other side”.
This is quite common as Wanaka is encircled by mountains and we often find that Southerlies don’t make it over the last one but all our Ski Fields have had a top up so it’s pretty safe to come and enjoy it.
Driving over the top to get The Bossess from the Airport was cautious. The road was frozen mush with embedded grit and slow without any sudden moves was good. Luckily everyone we saw was in the same mode and The Boss flipped into 4WD to save a walk for this shot. Typical male…never walk when you can drive. The valley was pretty and once off the Crown range everything was completely normal. It is however a bit scary when there are LARGE signs at the bottom of the hill on both sides declaring chains to be essential and you encounter tourists from non sno countries coming up the road towards you in rental cars with their hands clenched on the steering wheel and even worse campavans with the same attitude. It takes only 20 minutes extra to come here without a mountain in the way. There are always a large number of crashes every year caused by straight out stupidity, speed and black ice and sometimes all three at the same time.
Commenting will be a bit slo for the next week as we will be hugely distracted.


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