Crowds and calm

The day started quite cold and drizzly. Then it dried up. Then there was a sharp shower. Then the sun came out and we had a glorious afternoon and a warm evening.

We managed to weave our way through the numerous groups of people involved in guided tours, decided against queuing for a boat trip and found an excellent quiet place for coffee.

We bought chocolate, found a superb, and very quiet, restaurant for lunch and then headed away from the crowds in search, at my request, of a Lace Museum. A few bizarre encounters later and eventually, although we didn’t actually find the museum as it was being refurbished, I got to see what I had hoped – some ladies making lace in the traditional way. Fascinating to see these ladies sitting quietly and working intently. A contrast to the bustling Markt not far away, where hundreds of people, bicycles, vehicle and horses were gathered.

Headed back through crowds of 'Red Devils' and managed to indulge in waffles, before returning to the hotel in time for some of the party to watch football. Not the result Belgium was hoping for though - sadly.

Bruges is a delight. Even with far more visitors than we had imagined, it is still a really lovely place to visit – a fairy-tale medieval town with cobbled streets and enchanting canals, soaring towers and historic churches. And it is not too difficult to find peace and quiet away from the crowds - as we did on several occasions today.

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