Yes - Bread and Roses

Leafleting today for the Yes campaign (first time, not ready to canvass yet), in Muirhouse. Joined people who were gathering afterwards for coffee and chat in the North Edinburgh Arts Centre as was, and found the new community garden. In the garden, the willow fence to one plot, sown with roses and wheat, had this poem pinned on it (apologies for the photo quality - blazing sun in my eyes so couldn't really see what I was getting).

"Bread and Roses", by James Oppenheim (1882-1932), a Fabian and an admirer of Walt Whitman, inspired by the eponymous(?) phrase first coined by a woman I've never, to my shame, heard of till today: Rose Schneiderman (1882-1972).

I refer you to Wikipedia for more information. The poem was put to music in the 70s by Mimi Farina, a singer in the Pete Seeger/Judy Collins.....protest and activist mould.

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