
By Marlytyz

Flower or Weed?

First of all I must say that I am really sorry for having been so bad at commenting over the last few days. I am not sure where the days have gone but everything seems to have fallen behind.

I had a really exciting day today though. I got up very early and met some friends for the best cup of coffee you can get in Brighton at Red Roaster.
Came home and started to sort and pack ready for the move in three weeks time. Made some Gazpacho for lunch then drove over to the new house where the current owners wanted to introduce us to the quirks of the property.
Very embarrassing, because as we leaned in to shake their hands, they asked us how much garlic we had eaten. Obviously, I must have overdone it somewhat in the gazpacho. I had mouthwashes and brushed, but obviously not enough. I spent the whole visit talking through my hand.
The house is so so lovely though with the most beautiful outlooks. I cannot tell you just how much I am looking forward to being there. All the windows look on to the south facing garden with views across the paddock.
This flower/weed was growing in the local hedgerow.

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