What a beauty!

A while ago I bought tickets on Groupon for the Bentley Wild Fowl and Motor Museum, so we went today. It's a great place, there's the motor museum, the house and gardens and a wild fowl nature reserve. They have over 2,000 birds/ducks with three different walks.

We saw so many birds that we've never seen before including Hooper Swans, Trumpeter Swan, Bewick Swans and Mute Swans. The Bewick Swans made a really loud noise, which was strange as I've only ever seen Mute Swans. And the Hooper Swans kept hissing at us and trying to attack us, it was really funny, but they had cygnets so they were only trying to protect them.

They also had quite a lot of peacocks and we were fortunate to see this handsome chap fanning his feathers.

Tonight, we headed into town to join Alison and Tony for dinner at a Moroccan restaurant in town - the food was fantastic so we'll definitely be going back.

Anyway, I need to go to bed as we're up early tomorrow. Alan's travelling to Marseille as he's working in the South of France for the week. Then I fly out to join him on Thursday, but I want to pack all my things in his case so that I can travel lightly

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