The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

End of Another Weekend

Steve and I went into town today to catch up with some friends we haven't seen in way too long. Their daughters are growing up so fast!

P is Northern Irish and his wife, K is Australian and although both have been in London for a very long time and their accents have softened they are still noticeable. Their eldest daughter has quite a lovely little English accent and was teaching me phonics. She was finding my accent quite hilarious. At one point she asked me to tell her a story and I got as far as "there was once a little girl" but my pronunciation of girl was "girrill" which amused her no-end. I gave up and asked Steve to take over from me as his phonics would be much more to her liking. Steve found this all quite amusing as he would do.

After we parted ways Steve and I went for a walk to Euston rather than tubing it and it was a lovely walk with a minor route deviation to Chipotle (we have both over eaten so badly this weekend!) before wandering by St Pancras making the train just in time.

I'm now lazing on the sofa while Steve is busy working - my Monday may be easier if I do some work also but I am trying hard to protect my weekends as being work free so I am not opening my laptop until tomorrow morning at work.

In wedding news we have 2 of the big things sorted:
- Venue
- my Dress

Next on my list is photographer - any recommendations??

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