Double Shot Mummy


Beautiful Oscar

I love Oscar and window light too!

Today Bailee and Oscar had a delightful day at Creche Out Wafi Mall. Lisa dropped them home and they were both in the back of the car so fast asleep.... they had obviously been having so much fun! It looked quite funny as their mouths were wide open, mirroring each other!

Dare I mention, today is my last day being 33. It has been a huge year for us. To be completely honest, at the beginning of the year the thought of not being around for another birthday did cross my mind! Gladly, I am still here and still sane!

We have all the ingredients for chocolate cake lined up on the bench. Of course Oscar and Bailee struggled going to sleep as they are so excited that it is my birthday tomorrow and that we are making chocolate cake! They nearly leapt out of their beds when I informed them we are also going for a playdate at Sebastian and Ethan's house!

Oh and Aunty KP is on the plane on the way here at this very moment. We all cannot wait to see her and give her a BIG HUG!

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