Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Orcadian Delights - Bliptogether #2

This is Marc. He's from Orkney, and he's my former boss. I could pretty much write a journal entry every day about Marc, so when I was thinking who else (aside from OH) I would most like to feature as part of Bliptogether, it was a no-brainer.

Marc is...
...my mentor...
...the best boss I've ever had...
...my inspiration and motivation to keep fighting the good fight with every fibre of my being...
...the person who gives me faith in the joy and compassion of humanity...
...someone who helped me understand the true meaning of community and social justice...
...able to make everyone feel like they are the most important person in the room, and the one who has EXACTLY the right skills and talents to make a difference...
...so funny he makes your sides ache...
...self-effacing and the first to give credit to others (and will be hugely embarrassed by this)
..totally useless with technology, so this whole photo blog thing is a mystery, yet he still agreed to pose...
...my partner in crime, some recorded, some not...

The good news is, he uses his powers for good, not for evil. Be thankful...

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