Felt so sorry for this delightful Cystus (rock rose family) that has just started to bloom. It was so weighed down with rain droplets but I love the detail.

We bought the plant, I should say rescued it from Aldi in Newquay last September when it was greatly reduced and about to be thrown away. With a little TLC it has thrived. But dont we all flourish with praise and encouragement. Planted in the right place, right soil.

Even as human beings we flourish when in the right place!!

Glad Monday is nearly over for another week and I'm looking forward to the weekend when Matthew is coming home and we are all heading off to the Stogumber Fete and Dog Show. Phoebe will be bathed, brushed etc. and hopefully will steal the show.

Another day of rain forecast for tomorrow, hope the farmers are all happy!!

Thankyou for the faithful few, dear loyal friends. You make life bearable. xx

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