Normality Resumed

I've felt a considerable sense of anti-climax today. The roads are back open and full of traffic. All that remains of the Grand Depart are a few stray barriers, some bunting and the ubiquitous yellow bikes - plus the odd person who has returned after a weekend away and has the feeling that they've missed something important! I've been at the office, struggling with a problem which has proved very messy. It's been a case of back to earth with a bump.

Talking to people today, those who watched the tour go by were absolutely full of it. Those who didn't manage to witness the spectacle were sorely disappointed. What's most amazing to me is that millions of people made so much effort. Most had to put in a lot of energy in order to watch. With the roads closed it meant getting up early and either walking or cycling to the best vantage points. When apathy so often rules these days it was incredibly refreshing to know that people will turn out for something they care about.

I think that actually might be the key to why the Grand Depart in Yorkshire was such a huge success. In the very fact that the tour chose to come here we were made to feel a bit special. And we responded by making a special effort. The gathering crowds acknowledged every rider cycling past and we waved back and cheered the spectators - before we soon became spectators ourselves. There was this fantastic positive feedback loop where spirits were raised higher and higher. We all came out of our little boxes for a day, meeting lots of old friends, making lots of new friends. We regained a true sense of community at the weekend. It felt like Yorkshire was one whole massive community. It was that feeling which made the day so remarkable.

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