Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Butterfly lavender

As lovely as yesterday was for Thomas, today has been a challenge for me - 3 hours 0f sleep, 4 hours post-party cleaning, many wash loads, and a mountain of ironing left over from the weekend and steadily climbing! I will just mention that Adam had a small party of ten friends over last night, and they all slept over...hence the lack of sleep and the cleaning and the laundry. Though to be fair I did wake up at 3am and could not get back to sleep again and the teens were all quiet by then. And Adam did help tidy up but he started feeling ill yesterday and is feeling worse today (think it is tonsillitis again).

I am now rushing off to fetch Thomas from school to take him to his piano exam - but I also have to get Adam to his doctor's appointment which is more or less at the same time. Please can I have a chauffeur for Christmas?

Nearly the end of term for Thomas - I can barely hold out...but first tonight it is his annual school play (Toad and friends) and then I have to get Adam organised as he is going to the 'T in the park' music festival near Edinburgh on Thursday. He has no tent, no backpack...typical organised teenager.

I will try to catch up with journals while I am sitting at the piano exam.

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