
For the last 24 hours all I’ve heard is, ‘Molly, we’re going out. I need you to guard the house.’

Ann’s friend, Kay, has just been for a flying visit. Last night Ann said, ‘Molly, we’re going out for dinner. I need you to guard the house.’

This morning, after my walk, Ann said, ‘Molly, today we are going to be ladies who shop and ladies who lunch. I need you to guard the house.’

When Ann and Kay came home this afternoon I thought they might turn into ladies who go for dog walks???

Incidentally, Kay did so much shopping that she has boosted the St Ives economy single handedly!!!

Unfortunately Ann and Kay didn’t turn into ladies who go for dog walks. They turned into ladies who lie on sun loungers on our very sunny sun terrace. I had to lie in a shady spot so that I could keep an eye on what they were up to.

I was a bit worried that I wasn’t going to get my afternoon walk so I kept nudging Ann with my cold wet nose. Ann said, ‘Molly, I have never, ever, forgotten to take you for your afternoon walk. Go away. I’ll take you for a walk once I’ve dropped Kay at the station.’

Kay had a train to catch at 4pm so after that I went to the river to swim and play with my bouncy ball. Yay!!!!

……………I’m a tired little collie now.

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