The Glass Menagerie

One of my favourite authors/playwrights is Tennessee Williams, with 'A Streetcar named Desire' and 'The Glass Menagerie' being amongst my favourite plays. All this to link tenuously to my blip of an Art Deco perfume bottle stopper!

In other news, the cats went to the vets today for their boosters and it was not a happy experience for anybody, starting with me having to purchase another cat basket, as I could not find the second basket. Anyway, once purchased it took some time to get the kitties into their respective baskets, however, it was the opposite when the vet wanted to get them out of the baskets. On the way to the vets both of them were crying like there was no tomorrow!

Anyway, turns out Emmy is over 6 kilos, while Millie is just over 3 kilos, but both are healthy, which is good. That said, Emmy still has to lose weight.

Once home, Millie kept spitting at Emmy and it is only 3 hours later that they have forgiven me, with the help of some prawns!

Anyway, happy Tuesday, all.

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