
By rachelhpreston

Spiritual Reflection Day number 2

Today we mainly devoted the day to spending time with God. We started off listening to a sermon about spirit-empowered living, and then spent almost an hour just worshipping. One of the things that has kept coming up is the power of worship as a weapon, and it was such a joy to just worship: the time just flew!

We then spent some time doing personal bible study. I walked a short way up a hill to do this, and this was my resulting view. Rather stunning, don't you think?! Made it quite easy to reflect on the majesty and splendour of God!

We also spent some time thinking about what God has taught us whilst we've been here. My list is so ridiculously long! I have learnt so many things about who I am, but also about who God is. I know this is going to be so important for the future, and I'm so thankful that I've had the opportunity to come here and learn all of this.

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