Life through the lens...

By ValC

These little ducklings were quite well hidden in the grass by the pond.
Mum keeping a watchful eye out for any danger!
Most people walked past and never noticed them.

A glorious day. Up to 25c this afternoon.

Morning spent cutting the hedge which had grown at least a foot since we have been away.
Then a walk through the Shibden Valley. Stopping half way round for a shandy at the Shibden Mill Inn, and finishing off at the café in park for a very tasty leek and bacon quiche, salad, and chips and a cup of tea!
On the way home we called at the fruit farm and picked some blackcurrants.
I watered the garden when we got home, before making tea.
Sat out in the sun with a glass of wine.
Now blip, and I think an early night.

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