... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

The Building Centre: London Model

More overbearing in large ("L").

This is the Pipers 1:1500 scale model of (much of central) London in the main gallery at The Building Centre on Store Street in London. I met a friend at Store Street Espresso (mmmm), and stopped to look at this amazing model on my way. I'm not generally into models but this is rather cool, and there are annotations on the wall describing the different areas of the city, and the process of modelling the city. More info here.

I visited the Goosles on my way back and discovered that someone has put a bracelet (tag) on one of the fledglings! Hum, I know that they're not mine, but I felt rather protective and concerned; I hope that it wasn't overly stressed by the experience. I've uploaded some (24-70mm) shots to my Flickr (right from here).

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