Life Savors

By osuzanna

Tarnished Treasures

In the mid 60’s during a visit to Paris, my mother spotted this teapot in an outdoor market. It was completely black, coated with many years of tarnish. She negotiated a price equivalent to about $5.00 and brought home what she thought might be a piece of pewter After an arduous cleaning, however, she found that it was actually silver. It is quite a lovely piece and in very good condition. The pot sits in a stand that allows for it to pour without removing it. It resides in a place of honor in our dining room on the silver chest.

I decided it looked good in mono because it's not as obvious that it actually needs a good polishing. I also noted after I got the shot up on the screen that the pot is in the stand backwards, but you get the idea. I suspect there are probably far more creative ways to shoot this, but I couldn’t find them so here it is. Anyway, all my photo intentions were thwarted again today by thunderstorms, pouring rain and a migraine.

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