Hanging Out at the Circus

It was good to be home on Monday. It felt like we'd been gone forever. The bunnies were excited to have some attention. Well....all except the 7 little black baby bunnies....they are NOT fond of us. We have not had this before. They do not like to be held. Hoping this gets better. Little Tubby, though.....in heaven to have our snuggles again.

We went to our other property with our Shop on it, and did a bit of this and that. The Hubby worked to get our Ski boat in working order, and Sugar and I did some cleaning of the trailer tent. Getting ready for some MORE summer fun.

In the evening, Sugar and I met a friend for dinner, and then headed over for the circus with SEVERAL friends. Such a good time. The girls all loved it....and the mom's found entertainment as well. It was crazy loud though. or....I'm getting old. :)

PS. Back blipped one of my favorite shots this summer so far.

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