
By middaypyjamas

Eight Legs

Another spider shot from me today, with this one easily being the most gruesome one I've photographed to date, in direct opposition to the last one which was debatably quite cute.

I went to do a wash today when one of my socks did what socks do in the laundry, run away and hide. I spotted him as fell down into that devastation crevice between the washing machine and dryer. I moved the dryer aside and managed to reach it when I also found a tea towel that had been there for who knows how long. I grabbed both of them, shaking the collected debris off the tea towel into the laundry sink. That's when I spotted this long-legged fellow. He must of been on the tea towel the whole time much to my shock, so I did what any good blipper would do when they see a spider, got the camera. Thanks to the depth of the sink he couldn't get out so I was able to get a photo without to much fear of him climbing upon me. I then carefully freed him outside, hopefully that's where he'll stay.

- Damian

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