Where Sky Meets The Land

By GracieErin

Early evening strolls

Me and A have a lot of fun.
It is as simple as that.
We got 2 gorgeous dogs after Easter, I moved down to Yorkshire to be with him and the 2small people, and our gorgeous dogs Jess and Jake. A has a current obsession with Alistair Humphreys, I say current obsession, I think more honestly it's a long lived, and devoted love of his work. The new book 'Microadventures' is FANTASTIC. I thoroughly recommend everyone to go and get one. The thrill and joy of just ending your working day and going off into the outdoors, your lungs fill with air, and you breathe deep for what seems like days. Due to our time schedules of shift pattern working we can't always do an overnight micro adventure, so instead we have been taking the Trangia, some food, drink, the dogs, and the smalls, when we can, out for dinner somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of streets and cars.
It has been gorgeous, just spending time with the family, with A and the smalls, and letting our dogs really enjoy themselves sniffing up all the green! Here we went out to one of the four reservoirs in our area, cooked out and then went for a 3 hour walk. This is A, Jake and Jess walking through the tree lined path, with the evening sun just getting ready to set.
A gorgeous evening.

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