Very Small Waves

23.6C starting slightly dull but clearing as the morning progressed. Another afternoon of sunny sunshine. Light breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. I hadn't expected it to be quite so warm but thankfully there was a breeze to cool us as we headed for the beach. The potato watering equipment was in action again in the field with the bridle path.

Down at the beach the tide was in. The sand was dry and soft and deep after this week's weather. There was a dog walker heading towards Easthaven, and a man with two children sitting on the sand near the car park at Westhaven, and a couple wandering along the sand.

Maeve was put off paddling by some very small waves and the thick band of seaweed floating just offshore but she did venture in to the water once or twice. At one place she found that the water was calmer as there were some rocks a metre or so into the sea stopping the waves from running onto the sand. She stood there for a minute or two with the water lapping round her legs. Then we went home.

As I type Maeve is lying in the garden in the shade of a little tree.

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