The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Big Sky Avenue

Stancombe Beech, nr Bisley, Glos. This driveway was next to the Stancombe Beech farm shop, where we go quite often. The colours of the beeches and the lines drew my eye, but the sunlight was so strong that it was difficult to tell if I'd got any sort of shot worth looking at.

School play's final performance today. CleanSteve and I watched from the audience. It was Mowgli's story from the Jungle book stories (not the Disney film). The wolves were very enthusiastic, howling away even when off stage. Very entertaining, and phew! Thank goodness it's over! Next week will be about class outings, tidying up/rejigging classrooms, and prize giving. Sadness that some children are leaving, and their numbers not being replaced (because of the funding crisis at county level).

After our trip to the shop and subsequent wild-deer chase (we never found any) I was very, very tired, and started falling asleep from about 6pm onwards. Not good, but hey! it's the weekend! One more week of term left, then school's out for summer.

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