My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Holding onto Stuff.

My son is now 25. He graduated from Bath University last week. But still, lingering in this house are bits from his childhood.
This is an old photo I found of him, then I realised I still had the jumper he was wearing when it was taken. (Hoarder).
He is now 6ft 6, and has no memories of this jumper. But I will hold onto it until one of his future children can muck about in the garden in it. It is certainly not going to any charity shop, that's for certain. Lots of annoying clutter has gone this year, which I am so thankful for. But there are always those weak spots.
I should have added a photo of him as he is now... But it has been a long day... You'll just have to believe me.

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