Making blackcurrant jam

We had 5lbs of blackcurrants from our bush on the allotment. A good harvest once they were protected from the birds. Part of the crop have been frozen, but the final lot from the bush have gone to make jam. We also harvested a few pounds of dessert gooseberries too. Not sure what to do with them, other than eat them as a fruit. They are big, red and sweet.

We were expecting a friend to stay over the weekend, but she pulled out owing to severe headache having been off work today as well. So a free weekend awaits. Time to sort out the external watering system we inherited when we bought the house. Used it quite a bit but we don't have the correct outlets in the correct postion, especially in the greenhouse for tomatoes or enough outlets generally. One of those "just" jobs which may be we can tick off tomorrow.

Weather continues to be dull and dank, not really July weather. Drizzly, misty but thankfully not heavy rain. Forecast not that bright for the weekend either.

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