Baby .....

..... face.

It's been a long day at work for me today and then this evening a friend very kindly took me out for a meal as a belated birthday treat.

I've spent much of tonight sorting out an issue with an eBay purchase. I had the winning bid on a rather nice medium format camera which I won for about half the price they usually sell for on eBay. The seller then contacted me to say that he had dropped and smashed the camera whist packing it on his patio and could not send it to me. I asked for a photo of the damage and he then said he had binned it and was unable to photograph it. All of this of course will have been nonsense, even damaged the camera would still make a fair amount and I'm pretty certain the seller was expecting to receive more for the camera and was making excuses to back out of the sale.

Anyhow, he now has negative feedback, eBay have backed me and may be suspending his account and as I've refused to accept cancellation of the transaction he will still have to pay the eBay sellers fees. A minor victory against injustice but it still riles me that he couldn't be honest. * rant over *

In other news I have a new mask and like all masks the best place to try it out is in my loo ( if you go large you may just spot Scary Mary the knitted loo roll cover ).

Thank you for all the lovely comments over the last few days , they're very much appreciated and I must apologies for being so far behind on commenting on your journals.

I didn't get a chance to pick up my camera until 11:50pm tonight, so today's blip is .....

..... Baby face.

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