
Bad hair days are to be avoided at all costs, but finding the right hairdresser can be difficult. The first one was a nice person, but just not the right stylist for me. Being on time was not her strong point. No matter what the circumstances, I can usually wait with equanimity for about 20 minutes. After that, I begin to lose patience at a geometric rate. She seemed to think that the perfect style for me was long hair, so I let it grow. For a year. With each passing month it became more obvious that the longer my hair got, the less I liked it, so it wasn't too difficult to start looking for someone new after I had to wait for an hour. (To be fair, the salon tried to call me to say she was "running late", but I was already on my way.)

I should have done what I ultimately did, which was to ask my neighbor Cindy who knows everybody. She is a realtor and has never given us a bad lead on any subject. Without a referral, I never would have found Amy, because she has a little salon in her house, and doesn't advertise. It is perfect. No loud music, no inane conversation, no shampoo person with inch long fingernails, nice art work on the wall. She's the only hairdresser I've ever had who can pull off magenta hair. Actually, she's the only hairdresser I've ever gone to with magenta hair. She's a good conversationalist, understands curly hair and is very professional.

What more could one ask for? Purple hair?

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