Having a ball

Up early as the girls club team had a fixture in Dalgety Bay against Dunfermline. Tried to take Juno for her walk but the sleet and rain she refused to go no further than the street corner. Maybe I should have taken this message to heart too.

Over the water to Fife, the girls started well but just fell apart and lost shape and any fight, was a real low point as a cooach they are better than this.

Then over for indoor football for an hour to far probably, some raised their game but the majority it was too much. Lesson learned as coach.

Eco mum not feeling great, I am knackered Eco daughter had nightmares during the night. She was standing over me when I was startled, 'The Germans are coming' she cried. I blame education since she is doing the second world war at school, the concentration camps just now so can understand her nightmares. Being upset I left her to sleep with her mum and headed to another bed.

Eco daughter and I went for a walk with Juno. We took this ball, it does not float so when Juno dropped it in the water and it sank and bounced in the water down stream. We tracked it down the burn and Eco daughter stood in the water in her wellies and scooped it out. Great walk, a bit busy in the afternoon with lots of people.

Quiet evening with the family.

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