For Ellie

Managed to get up early and take Juno out for a morning walk. Dark and well ok, I can't remember much about it really.

Work there is light at the end of the tunnel, yippie.

Took the brolken SLR to Jessops as Eco mum had taken out insurance, so it will get fixed or a new camera, feel a bit better about it now.

Tutoring maths tonight as the prelims are coming up, Ellie you have to know these, so learn them from this blip. She also took a photo on her phone and hopefully will make it the wallpaper.

Eco brother is in hospital, something he may have picked up in India while away with work. I was helping his daughter with her chemistry as she has an exam tomorrow, not much time so down to basics and exam technique.

need to send some emails and then bed.

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