
By Lilyrex



'If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little b*****ds they are. Style. That's what people remember.'
(Terry Pratchett)

Marta showed her cat the photo of him that she was posting as Blip number 2. (She'd snapped him sprawling on a bin lid, pretending to sleep, but in reality, plotting the downfall of a seagull.)

'Look, Genghi,' she said, pointing at her laptop, 'you're about to be Blipped!'

The cat twitched one ear irritably. He really wished she wouldn't shorten his name to Genghi - it made him sound disgustingly cute and kitteny. His real name was Evans (after Chris) but Marta had nicknamed him Genghis Khat in recognition of his mental and physical crushing of the neighbourhood tribes (mice).

He wasn't too sure about the photo she'd taken of him either; it implied he was more lazybones than local Lothario. He flicked his tail over the keyboard to indicate his displeasure, but it was too late. She'd uploaded it.

'There you go, Evans,' said Marta, rubbing his head, 'perhaps someone will comment on this one.'

Genghis made a mental note to drop a mouse in Marta's bedroom later. Evans indeed. He hated the name Evans, he hated Chris Evans, and he absolutely loathed Radio 2.

Everybody knew that cats preferred Radio Fur.....

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