Sharna of Tibet

By SharnaofTibet

Sharna at the Snow Farm

Following the informative comments received about canine access from last Wednesday's blip post, (thank you all!) J caved (again; this is becoming a trend!) and agreed to take me with her & A to the Snow Farm. Whilst they slithered about on what looked like chopsticks, I had a snooze in the dogmobile, then I was graciously collected by J & A after their lesson, for a walk in the snow! Memories from my former lives came flooding glad my fringe was long enough to shield my eyes from the bright snow & sunshine, and so glad I didn't have to strap on the preposterous looking contraptions that J & A had attached to their feet! Tibetan Terriers come with built in snow shoes, don't you know! It was a beautiful blue sky, sunny day, albeit rather chilly; minus five when we arrived, minus two when we left...but great fun was had by all!

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