The atrium

This atrium has driven me nuts today, so only right it should end up as my blip.

While I'm not at work, my photography course is based at the 'big school'. We spent chunk of time inside the Maths and Computer Science building photographing the atrium.

I can safely say I'll leave the HDR shots to others. This isn't my usual shot but a change is good.

It's been a technical sort of day. I'm hanging out for a bit of creativity but it's good to be absorbing 'nuts and bolts' stuff too.

I've bungled yesterday's blp through an attack of terminal indecision. Doesn't usually affect me but it did yesterday. Once the mods have done their thing, it should reappear.

Sorry, I'm behind on commenting. It's a busy week and I'm not sure when I'll get to it. My eyes need a rest from the screen so I'll be off.

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