Mags' Moments

By MagsMoments

Come on!

It's HOT!!! And there are visitors look after and chores to be done and everything seems to take twice as long as usual because it's so darned hot...

But Bob doesn't see this as any reason to skimp on evening wanders. His internal clock says it's walk time... so it's walk time! He's full of bounce and life now, but by the time we get to the top of this track, he (and we!) will be wilting. However, there's an irrigation channel a few yards further on and once he's splashed about in that for a while (and dug out a few rocks from under the water) he'll be full of renewed energy - but we mightn't be quite so enthusiastic about going up very much further. Thankfully, there are plenty of frogs for Bob to chase after and he'll exercise himself trying to catch one (not that he's ever yet managed it in seven years!).

Once we get back home he'll find the coolest corner to flop down in and he'll hardly stir for the rest of the evening (well, not unless the neighbourhood cats try some pretty extreme provocation and even they don't have the energy to get up to much either right now). But come dawn, he'll be leaping on our bed and waking us to bring him out on yet another wander! No need for a personal trainer around here, just get yourself a dog...

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