Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


Wow. That was a thunderstorm and a half last night! SO THRILLED to have a skylight and to lie safe in bed and watch the lightning! At one point, it felt like it was all on top of the Lodge! I was glad for the drop in temperature though.

Woke up to none of my tech stuff working! Mi-fi device wouldn't register a signal, my phone wouldn't do whats app or access the internet. It's the sort of stuff that I HAVE to get fixed right away otherwise I can't function properly, so another trip to Guildford city centre and this time, we had long delays in both O2 and 3. Fortunately, O2 got everything up and running, whereas 3... well, I'd rather not say what I think.

Went to Tesco to stock up on essentials and saw this fantastic view of Guildford Cathedral on one of the back roads. I love the way it is positioned. Actually thinking now, it was a day to be inside it as it gets completely flooded with light being at such a high point.

Had the most fantastic shopping experience at Tesco using their new Scan and Shop system. I do LOVE visiting supermarkets here. The quality of the produce/items and variety are just incredible. No queuing at the check out meant we could be on our way quickly and once again, it is so good to have a fan. Air-conditioning would be fab but don't think it is a viable option for 3 weeks a year.

I am hoping to catch up with journals now that mobile broadband has been sorted. Wednesday & Thursday just backblipped. :)

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