A Year of Life in Fife

By MissPiggy

Abbey at Monte Olivieto

Today we began by driving the hour and 20 mins to the town of Asciano which turned out to be pretty and not overly touristy - always good! We managed to fine some excellent gelato sold by a very friendly Polish lady who had been living in Italy for 16 years.

Next we travelled on to a beautiful monastery at Monte Olivieto. It is still inhabited by about 40 monks who allow (suitably attired) visitors into a very impressive chapel and fresco lined courtyard. We also got a glimpse of the refectory and the library. At 3.30 a bell sounded and all the monks rushed to prayer in the chapel. We got to hear some of their wonderful singing.

We went on to two small sleep towns, the names of which I have already forgotten. We awaited the reopening of the (one) shop at the second town as I had high hopes on an ice-cream - there was a freezer. Alas it was not to be. If I had wanted a frozen lasagne I would have been in luck!!

Got back late and had a lovely dinner at the agriturismo.

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