Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky


A gave me this book about a week ago and said it was fantastic. It is. It's about a British criminal profiler who has been involved in many famous murder cases in Britain. It's pretty gruesome stuff, both physically and mentally but also incredibly interesting to see how he can paint a complete picture of someone based on very little information.

The only problem with it seems to be that whenever I read it at night, it's keeping me awake and I'm not entirely sure why. I've read far worse things before bed (Stephen King, Anne Rice, Whitley Streiber) and it's never seemed to impact my sleep pattern til now. My mind seems to be racing til about 3am when I can finally go to sleep. So until the book is finished, no more reading just before sleep.

Met some lovely people tonight at the Blip Meet at Susie's Diner. It was great to put faces to (user)names and will definitely spend some time going through everyones past Blips to see what they've come up with. So thanks for organising it Stewart :)

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