
By WharfedaleBex


It was actually rather warm today in the quarry at Capernwray - far more warming than the chilly 4°C we've been in before!

We were first in the water today which gave us a quiet dive and the lucky find of two Siberian (I think) sturgeon both around a metre long. They don't get spooked too easily but we've only ever seen them lurking under the platforms so it was a real treat to see them swimming in the open. For a warm summers day after a downpour, the quarry was a little murky (as you can see) but not desperate.

Capernwray is a fantastic place for refreshing your dry suit diving skills and we enjoyed nearly an hour sauntering around. Rich's great find was a dead newt! We finned along the west wall past the little submarine, Thunderbird 4, along to the Orca wreck and dropped down to the Hawker Siddley HS-748. The latter is an aeroplane that's had many adventures including a little mishap of running off the end of the runway in Guernsey in 2006. That wasn't the end of her - previously, she flew for Portuguese Airways and then Emerald Airways until they went out of business later on in 2006.

Finally, we surfaced for a much needed crispy bacon butty and my usual peppermint tea.

For my log book:

55 minutes

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