Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

So good to see...

... my hubby! He arrived around midnight last night and it was the best feeling ever to snuggle up next to him for the night. We've had a lovely day of doing not much of anything! He met with the guys on the race team this morning (primarily a social visit) while I took the camera out in the yard. Then, we ran a few errands, had a nice lunch at our favorite farm cafe, then back home to potter. It's just so good being together.

Last night, one of the baby catbirds left the nest outside my office window. I'm still not exactly sure where in the big shrub the nest is, but I see the parents flying in and out all day with morsels. Lo and behold, I saw the branches moving around like crazy, then finally saw a little face looking back at me through the window - my first sighting of a baby catbird. Little thing doesn't have its flight feathers yet, but it is out of the branch and exploring the shrub. Mom and dad are still feeding it. I'm being very careful not to make any sudden moves on this side of the window, and am avoiding walking around that part of the yard - don't want baby catbirds jumping out of the shrub! Not with the neighbor's murderous cats on the prowl...

The young blue jay is still not quite right. He's still avoiding flying (although will fly when pressed). Mostly he sits on the low branches of the pine trees, or on the cherry tree. He's happy to hop down for peanuts. I spoke to Giselle (avian rehab) this morning and she said he's probably okay but if I can catch him, she'll have a look. No luck on that at all.

I am, once again, humbled by all the comments, hearts and stars on yesterday's fashionable bee - thank you, thank you. She's still buzzing around the spotlight page...

I posted eight other pics from today starting HERE with the fluffy baby catbird. Today's blip, by the way, is a Great Spangled Fritillary nectaring on the bee balm in my garden.

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