A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Keep it simple

The blip and the title do not go together. Well, they do and they don't.

As mentioned on Sunday Jackson has started on a reading frenzy. Last night he took all the books he wants to read next off his bookshelf and made a pile, this pile, on his desk. He read a few pages of each and marked his place - the bits of paper and playing cards sticking out of the books. A wonderful example of not keeping it simple. But it kept him happy.

Slightly tenuous link I grant you but keeping it simple is very much on my mind right now. Had a preliminary meeting about a big project I am embarking on this morning. The main outcome of which was keeping it simple (feel free to add the stupid bit on;-)). So, this is my mantra that I need to keep front of mind. So much harder than it ought to be.

Simple, simple, simple.

Have attempted to live my mantra by not processing the photo, as tempting as it was...

Lesley x

btw - today is Andrew Ridgeley's birthday. You know, the other one from Wham. I knew this when I was 12. I know this now. I don't think I will ever not know this. It bothers me that this is in my brain but I can't delete it. I wish I could.

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