
By CharlotteJ

86 years young

Chris’s Gran, my grandmother in law (Molly), is 86 years young tomorrow and today we took her out to lunch. We found this really cute Italian restaurant. Not quite a restaurant, not quite a coffee shop, not quite an ice cream stop off just a general mix of good old Italian flavour and atmosphere. The building was old but rather charmingly covered in grape vines and backed onto a lovely park. The food was fantastic as well and reasonably priced. We had a lovely time with her and now she is back home seeing her new great granddaughter. Julie and Ava came down from Barnsley yesterday to spend the week with her. Molly will love having a baby in the house, all her nanny training is kicking back in!

Chris is off early tomorrow to Wales and I have a busy day with conference calls but a short week for me, I finish up Tuesday night for a week off work, so lots to do between now and Tuesday evening!

Happy Sunday


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