
Three challenges, that is!

It's been a while since I tried to do multiple challenges, so I set my mind to accomplishing that today.

Here they are:

1. Squirrel Blip Friday
2. DDW's prop challenge: A timepiece.
3. Book Club Forum

#1 is self explanatory by the picture.
#2 is a Mickey Mouse watch I am using for this week's challenge.
#3 is the current book I am reading: Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls.

Having already read Jeannette Walls's book The Glass Castle, I was looking forward to this one.  It is a true life novel about Jeannette's grandmother, Lily Casey Smith.  I like that it is written in the first person as if Jeannette is Lily.  Gives a wonderful perspective to the novel.

Book jacket blurb:  "Those old cows knew trouble was coming before we did." So begins the story of Lily Casey Smith, Jeannette Walls's no-nonsense grandmother. By age six, Lily was helping her father break horses. At fifteen, she left home to teach in a frontier town - riding five hundred miles on her pony, alone, to get to her job.  She learned to drive a car and fly a plane. And, with her husband, Jim, she ran a vast ranch in Arizona. She raised two children, one of whom is Jeannette's memorable mother, Rosemary Smith Walls, unforgettably portrayed in The Glass Castle.

Rosemary Smith Walls always told Jeannette that she was like her grandmother, and in this true-life novel, Jeannette Walls channels that kindred spirit.

I am about half way through this book and am enjoying immensely!

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