A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Last man standing

Last "Monday" for a while. One day left for the kids. Two days left for me.

Boot camp brutality.

Then work which was mainly good and largely productive, though I somehow managed to extend something that was very close to being closed off. Ultimately a good thing as it should make the work better. But still slightly annoying given my time constraints.

In contrast, post school was very chilled out with all clubs and classes being finished for the term. J had a virtual play date with his friend in the Lake District - 2 hours on FaceTime and the same Minecraft server, discussing Chelsea signings and sharing loom band patterns. Anna played in the garden perfecting her cartwheels and lots of singing. And I spent a happy hour playing piano.

The kids introduced me to Carcassone before bed. We didn't play the full version as apparently that is long and complicated and requires us being on holiday. Fortunately we have one coming up.

Lesley x

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