youngies journey

By youngie66

Remembering Our Heroes

Well I will try this a second time I did everything all written up and I ended up shutting my laptop down befor uploading it doh ! so here goes again.
Well I was fair chuffed to get the new Hearts FC football kit as especially this year there will be no sponsers name on the outfit as it's in memory of the whole Hearts team of 1914 who during an Edinburgh derby match against Hibernian at half time the whole team signed up to the McCrae's Battalion 16th service of The Royal Scots to fight in WWI in which 7 of the 16 players never returned from the war the team was at the top of the Scottish Division 1 at the time and was one of the best teams they ever had and evey rememberence sunday hearts fans go to the Gorgie/Hearts war memeorial at Haymarket to pay there respects and so since it was 100 years ago Hearts decided to do a special top in memory of those players who gave there lives they put one of the older club crests on the top as well getting special permission from the Scottish footballing authorities to do so and it looks neat and feels great on other news I had my appointment at the sleep clinic yesterday and all seemed ok checking the pressure system and I have to go back in a month to see if they need to tweak it again or whether it's fine as it is anyway I was through to Glasgow before going to Dundee as well it was cloudy in Glasgow this morning absolutly gorgeous and hot in Edinburgh and foggy in Dundee so a variety of weather you could say, so when I got home after buying my outfit I had a beer in the garden sitting in my recliner out the back grabbing some rays of sun keeping a few of leaves from the Japanese acer covering my face so that was nice anyway movie for the day is " The Lost Battalion 2001 " Bigger is best See Ya

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