The Geeky Christian

By s90man


Well here it is! I'm getting my red camera. I'm not very good at marking these occasions with a specific blip so I decided to make at least a token effort this time! Unfortunately I had to use my iTouch as my other cameras were occupied but oh well.

Displayed here are the cameras that have got me to where I am today with my photography, from Mum's old Fujifilm that I started taking random nature shots with seven years ago, to the S90 that caused me to join this community, to the D40 that got me interested in more "serious" photography. And soon they're going to be joined by a new big brother that I've acquired as a treat for myself after finishing the website I've been working on! All to be revealed soon...

It's been a pretty awesome four and a bit years all in all! They've been pretty significant ones for me, and so I've been grateful that Blipfoto has helped me to document them and for the people that I've met along the way.

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