Drive by

I didn't notice this building pre-quakes but it sits here now like a sad and broken sore thumb.

Yes, this was a drive by. I've been in my car more than usual this week (weather and house). I was driving through town after work and literally poked my camera out the window while at the lights.

Driving through the city centre I was struck by how much scrappy empty land there is with weeds, rubbish, debris and tagging. But sad really.

Some good news on my home today. I'm blessed to have a project manager who is working over and above on my behalf. He knows I've been shafted on several fronts.

I have a full roof inspection to look forward to, hopefully this Friday. Complete with photos it should determine quake damage versus no quake damage. I wasn't happy with someone simply standing on a ladder and deciding that.

Meanwhile I know there is water seeping into the wall linings in both bedroom dormer windows. Yes that's right, where the repairs have been done.

Best not to get me started.

No one has confessed to burning my lounge carpet and replacing it with a badly hacked piece form my wardrobe. I'm fine with trying a professional repair job and seeing what that is like. If it isn't satisfactory then it will be replaced.

Slow steps forward and I'm told I will have another extension to get things sorted.

Takeaways with the fisher/hunter tonight followed by a fun DVD.

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