Making use of Poppy Seeds

I had a surprise day at home today after both my jobs got cancelled. But I made good use of my time, writing reports in bed this morning, catching up on housework that was LONG overdue, and having a little tidy up in the garden.

My Poppy's have now all died and dried up so I harvested the seeds - and had a little play!

Iv had lots of changes with my work load over the last few days meaning August is going to be a bit quieter for me. A bit of a blessing as I have been working so hard recently and its difficult in the heat. Im hoping to enjoy a bit more home time. Me time. Maybe even blip time!!! See, even today Iv had a bit of a play with the camera instead of catching a desperate blip - like last night!!!

Hope you are all coping with this weather. We shouldn't complain but a few degrees cooler would be perfect!


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