It Was Clearer Inland

25.2C with long sunny spells and some cloud rolling in from the sea from time to time. Light breeze. Met office data for Leuchars shows 19C which is more what it felt like here, although that might have been the cooling effect of the breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk before lunch. As we were walking down the field with the bridle path the tractor with the spraying equipment arrived and another tractor towing a small tanker trailer was parked near the bottom of the field. This day last year the field next to the one with the bridle path had potatoes and was being sprayed.

Down on the beach it was almost high tide. The water was very calm and the cloud was hanging just offshore making it quite hazy. I took off Maeve's lead and she went straight into the sea and walked along parallel to the shore. There were three people on the beach taking photos. I hope they got something reasonable. The two fishing boats were out at sea, so not many boats to photograph.

We watched the opening of the Commonwealth Games on telly last evening. Loads of fun. I think the people in the colourful outfits that danced and danced while the teams paraded in should have had the first medal. They were brilliant. Just a shame it wasn't Runrig with Rythm of My Heart. I much prefer their version.

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