TV hair

4years 276days

I have one incredibly excited baby ballerina today. This afternoon she was recorded, along with one other from her class, two from the grade above and a group of juniors and seniors, by a film crew from the BBC. She was utterly adorable apparently, danced her exam work gorgeously and charmed the socks off the crew. Very very proud. Film cameras and lights didn't phase her, strangers didn't phase her. She just danced to her familiar music and responded to that with her characteristic grin and sparkle. They will be part of a segment on the BBC breakfast show on Tuesday morning.

This morning, she read a new book to me, a stage 5. And she had a seriously good attempt it. We then headed to the swimming pool and she asked to get straight on with backstroke, did 3 good lengths, switched to front crawl for another 3 great lengths. She did lots of jumping in at the deep end, from the very middle, swimming a half width back in good front crawl. Then back to more lengths of breast stroke and back stroke. This set of lessons I have noticed the biggest improvement in technique in a while. She's really excited for her summer course next week.

What a day!!

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